“We buy the sunscreens for our tests off the shelf, the way consumers would,” says Susan Booth, who oversees our sunscreen testing. CR members have access to our full sunscreen ratings.
Below are some of the top-performing sunscreens in our tests, listed in alphabetical order within their category. So whatever your issues with sunscreen-whether you think it’s greasy or gloppy, you don’t use enough of it, or you’re just overwhelmed by the number of different products to choose from-our advice and ratings can help. Our sensory specialists also objectively evaluate the scent and feel of each sunscreen and provide a description so you can choose a product that appeals to you.
(Protection against UVB is represented by a sunscreen’s SPF.) Both types contribute to skin cancer risk. UVA rays are primarily responsible for aging, while UVB rays are the ones that mostly cause sunburn. We’ve tested dozens of sprays and lotions in the lab to determine how well they will protect your skin against radiation from ultraviolet A and B rays from the sun. But we’ve discovered major differences even among products made by the same brands, and our tests have found that sometimes the protection offered by a sunscreen doesn’t match the SPF listed on the label. And Consumer Reports testing has found that you don’t have to pay top dollar to find one that works. There’s an elixir that can keep your skin from looking old before its time and protect you against the most common type of cancer-it’s called sunscreen.